Meet Claire Routh – Citizens in Policing Liaison Officer at North Yorkshire Police

9 October 2024
Our volunteer interview this month is with Claire Routh, a Citizens in Policing Liaison Officer for the Police Support Volunteers at North Yorkshire Police. We chatted with Claire to see what her role entails and spoke about her advice for anyone thinking of becoming a volunteer coordinator or manager.
Please introduce yourself.

My name is Claire Routh and I currently work for North Yorkshire Police. I have been employed with North Yorkshire Police for just over 10 years and I am the Citizens in Policing Liaison Officer for the Police Support Volunteers. I have been in this role for just over 5 months and prior to this I was a PCSO.

What attracted you to the organisation and role?

I have worked for North Yorkshire Police for over 10 years and I joined the organisation as I wanted to make a difference. Recently I have wanted to try something different and I have had the pleasure of working alongside some of the volunteers as part of a neighbourhood policing team. As a cadet leader I have had some experience in the volunteer sector and want to ensure our volunteers are utilised to the best of their ability so that they continue to feel rewarded and valued by the force.

What would you say to anyone thinking of becoming a Volunteer Coordinator/ Manager?

Do it. I am really enjoying the role. I speak with different people on a daily basis and it allows me to travel round the force and meet people and departments that I never would have previously.

What have you learnt about yourself while in this role?

I can multi-task! I’m not afraid to approach people of high rank if I need to ask them something.

Finally, tell us something about yourself that your colleagues would be surprised to know?

I was in a Christmas Pantomime when I was younger with some famous people.

Want to find out more about how we can support you?

If you are currently in a volunteer coordinator role, why not have a look at our specialised training or join our coordinator’s network that offers practical guidance and support to volunteer coordinators and managers across North Yorkshire.