Giving people the chance to have their say

Having a strong collective voice helps to raise the profile of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.

We aim to ensure that our sector’s needs and ambitions are represented at a policy and decision making level across North, South and West Yorkshire. We do this by involving appropriate colleagues and ourselves in the right meetings so that your views are heard.

We facilitate a number of thematic groups and networks to bring people together to hear the views of a vast range of community groups, share intelligence and draw on a range of expertise. These meetings involve public sector partners to hear about and feed into plans, policies and service changes. We also keep you in touch with the latest consultations, surveys and intelligence reports and share our responses. 

The better informed we all are, the greater awareness we have, and therefore the opportunity to influence, change and shape opportunities that impact on voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) work, income and funding.