Representing organisations who work with children and young people

group of overlapping hands demonstrating teamwork

How the sector works to support children and young people

The voluntary sector has representatives who attend the following meetings regarding children and young people. By clicking on each board below you will find more information about the group, its role, agendas and minutes and the contact details for your sector:

If you want to discuss voluntary sector representation at these meetings please contact Dena Dalton, Head of Health Collaboration or call 01904 704177.

North Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Providers and Partners Group

The group is a multi-agency thematic group focusing on issues facing children and young people, and the challenges and opportunities for the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector responding to the changing needs of growing up in North Yorkshire.

Group members provide a network of people interested in, and with knowledge of, providing services and support to young people. The group exists to bring together colleagues from the VCSE sector, NHS and local authorities.

The aims of the group are to:

  • provide an opportunity to come together, share and discuss issues and concerns of their area of work.
  • share expertise, good practice and find solutions to problems.
  • share plans, consultations and provide feedback.
  • identify opportunities to work together and share resources.
  • have a voice and influence in planning and policy making, aligning with other structures.
  • identify training and development needs.

For further information contact Dena Dalton, Head of Health Collaboration at Community First Yorkshire or call 01904 704177.

North Yorkshire Children and Young People provider meetings: agendas, notes and further information

6 February 2025

5 September 2024

2 May 2024

This virtual meeting brings together colleagues from VCSE and partner organisations to discuss a range of topics and issues surrounding children and young people. The agenda includes young people not in education, employment or training; the FEAST programme in North Yorkshire and an update from the Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Useful resources:

Meeting minutes are here.

1 February 2024

Previous meetings

9 November 23

20 July 23

20 April 23

1 February 23

  • Agenda: Children and young people health and wellbeing: I-thrive Programme/Thrive Framework to improve outcomes for children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing, and discussion of how to extend its use and embedding the model; Social Prescriber for young people pilot project; Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Strategic Group update and discussion of current issues and the impact on children and families of the cost of living crisis issues; North Yorkshire Place Board and development of a North Yorkshire VCSE Assembly: views on Place Board  strategic priorities; Children Safeguarding Partnership North Yorkshire: County Lines update and discussion of how to support and protect children and young people from exploitation. For information:  update from the Board provided to Local Safeguarding Partnerships – Youtube link and North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) Annual Report 2021/22; UK Shared Prosperity Fund North Yorkshire Investment Plan – update.
  • Meeting notes
  • Useful information: North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) exploitation presentation; presentation on social prescribing for young people; National Citizenship Service (NCS) Trust: application guidance

20 October 22

  • Agenda: School holiday activities for children and young people – FEAST and the National Citizenship Service programme – discussion of collaboration and sharing ideas to feed into future plans; UK Shared Prosperity Fund North Yorkshire Investment Plan – opportunities and programmes supporting young people; development of North Yorkshire VCSE Health and Care Assembly – discussion of the role and fit within the North Yorkshire Integrated Care System and links with this North Yorkshire thematic group; an overview of the context and plan to establish the North Yorkshire VCSE Health and Care Assembly was presented at an event in June. There’s a recording, transcript and the presentation; Mental health needs and support – Social and Emotional Mental Health Strategic Group update and discussion of current issues and the impact on children and families of the cost of living crisis issues. The group have some suggested social media messages for professionals to use; Children Safeguarding Partnership North Yorkshire – safeguarding children and adults checklist, awareness and training needs.
  • Meeting notes
  • Useful information: FEAST presentation; UK Shared Prosperity Fund presentation; National Citizenship Service update.

7 July 22

  • Agenda includes: NYCCG NHS mental health support research and general update; Social and Emotional Mental Health Strategic Group update and involvement in planning structures; working with health – development of North Yorkshire VCSE Assembly; connecting people to health appointments – transport/access models emerging from a project exploring this in three areas across the county; UK Shared Prosperity Fund North Yorkshire Investment Plan; and safeguarding.
  • Meeting notes
  • Useful links: the IVAR Connecting Health Communities in North Yorkshire project; presentation on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF); a presentation on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund – North Yorkshire Investment plan; North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) June update; North Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Mental Health System Scoping and Review report and presentation; needs based guidance for Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) for Children and Young People in North Yorkshire.

21 April 22

  • Agenda: Local Safeguarding Partnerships/Safeguarding Week June 2022; NHS mental health support project scoping and NHS update from North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (NYCCG); working with the new health structures; opportunities for working with National Citizenship Service summer 2022; sharing views and updates, including Local Government Review.
  • Meeting notes
  • Useful links and supporting information: Future in Mind North Yorkshire Strategy, the Go-To website, useful web links, health update, North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership presentation.

2 February 22

  • Agenda: North Yorkshire CCG Whole Pathway Commissioning Group for mental health services, NYCC Childhood Futures; Young People and tackling loneliness; NY Safeguarding Children Partnership-Being Young in North Yorkshire Strategy update, Hidden Harm; Covid19 impact.
  • Meeting notes
  • Useful links and supporting information: presentation on developing a family hubs network model in North Yorkshire.

21 October 21

21 July 21

  • Agenda: North Yorkshire CCG Whole Pathway Commissioning Group for mental health services; NYCC Childhood Futures; Safeguarding training and resources, Safeguarding Week; Social and Emotional Health Offer; National Citizenship Service.
  • Meeting Notes
  • Useful links and supporting information: North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) website.

21 April 21

  • Agenda: North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership; Working with the health sector; Community Renewal Fund; Sharing information.
  • Meeting Notes
  • Useful links and supporting information: North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) website.

21 February 21

  • Agenda: North Yorkshire CCG Whole Pathway Commissioning Group for mental health services, NYCC Childhood Futures; Young People and tackling loneliness; NY Safeguarding Children Partnership-Being Young in North Yorkshire Strategy update, Hidden Harm; Covid19 impact.
  • Meeting Notes
  • Useful links and supporting information: North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) website; sign up to the NYSCB e-bulletin here.

Useful links