Health and wellbeing in North Yorkshire

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership: opportunities to work with North Yorkshire VCSE organisations

Voluntary sector and community organisations have a vital role to play in improving public health and reducing health inequalities in North Yorkshire.

The Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, the Integrated Care System (ICS) covering a large part of North Yorkshire, is keen to ensure the VCSE sector in our region knows how to get involved so that our VCSE leaders can make the most of contracting opportunities with the NHS.

Below is a recording of a briefing session (held on 21 June 2022) which gave colleagues in the sector a chance to hear programme leads from the ICS and have their questions answered. Speakers were:

  • Jason Stamp, Chief Officer, Northbank Forum Hull; Chair of the VCSE Leadership Programme, Humber & North Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership
  • Gary Sainty, VCSE Programme Director, Humber & North Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership
  • Jane Colthup, Chief Executive, Community First Yorkshire.

You can download the transcript of the session here and view the briefing presentation that accompanies the video here.

About the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Integrated Care System

The documents below provide information on how the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Integrated Care System works, it’s operating framework, governance structures and strategy.

Working better together as a system

An at‑a‑glance guide to how the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Integrated Care System works.

Reimagining Health & Care – An Integrated Strategy

A  longer, more in-depth guide designed to help people understand what the Humber and North Yorkshire Care Partnership integrated health and care strategy is.

Humber and North Yorkshire Menopause Awareness training

Menopause Awareness at Work- training for all colleagues and line managers. The training is for everyone, those experiencing menopause and those playing a vital support role. The sessions focus on what menopause is, why and when it happens and ways of managing menopause, participants will also gain confidence in having supportive conversations around menopause and how to get the right support together including the important role a partner, team or family member can play in supporting someone through menopause.

Exploring and understanding the VCSE sector in provider collaboratives

This report published by the NHS Confederation looks at the role of VCSE organisations, including insights into the unique offer the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector has to support provider collaboratives.

You can download the report here and read about the key points of the report here.

Working to improve local health and wellbeing across communities

The voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector plays an essential role in supporting people to be and remain healthy across rural, coastal and urban communities.

Your Guide to Understanding Health and Care in North Yorkshire

National research shows that people need three things to be and remain healthy: confidence, control over their lives and social connections. Within North Yorkshire, the local VCSE sector enables people of all ages to access local opportunities and services which bolster the physical and mental health of individuals.

North Yorkshire has its own Health and Wellbeing Board where leaders from public and VCSE sectors work in partnership to develop robust joint health and wellbeing strategies. These strategies then inform the development, investment and delivery of new health and care services and projects.

At the local level GP services are delivered through doctor’s surgeries which are grouped together into Primary Care Networks which support communities across rural and urban areas.

The Primary Care Networks in turn are members of Local Health Partnerships where local organisations come together to develop and deliver plans which improve the health and wellbeing of the local population.

  • Craven Communities Together Partnership
  • Hambleton and Richmondshire Local Care Partnership (formative)
  • Harrogate and Rural Alliance
  • Scarborough and Ryedale Health Partnership
  • Selby Health Matters

Community Mental Health Transformation Programme

Across North Yorkshire & York

We know getting mental health care and support isn’t always easy. Processes can be long and complicated and demand on services can mean people sometimes having to wait too long without the help or support they need. Getting the right help and support early on for your mental health and emotional wellbeing can make a huge difference and prevent things from getting worse.

Change is happening though in the form of the community mental health transformation programme. This is a five-year national programme to improve the lives of people with serious mental illness and the way they’re supported in their local communities.

Everyone who is involved in caring for people has a role to play. Within your local area, there will be opportunities to help shape these plans.

That’s why health and social care, local authorities, emergency services, voluntary sector organisations and people with lived experience of mental ill health across North Yorkshire and York are working together to make change happen.

Together we will make the changes that are right for local people and with local people.

VCSE Report

Durham University report considers the contribution of the VCSE sector to health and wellbeing in Humber and North Yorkshire

The VCSE sector across Humber and North Yorkshire is diverse, made up of many organisations and people, and is crucial to supporting people with their health and wellbeing. The Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and the VCSE Leadership Group commissioned this report to better understand the sector and how Humber and North Yorkshire is served by it.

Professor Tony Chapman, from Durham University, has worked with the VCSE Leadership Group over the last year, initially looking at the size and scale of the sector. Following this, Tony was asked to go further and look at how it’s split across our unique geography, which has a mix of urban and rural areas and a large section of coastal communities.

The report’s findings begin to plot the VCSE sector alongside the differences we see across Humber and North Yorkshire in terms of deprivation, health inequalities and geography. The report provides a tool for strategists to think about how the VCSE sector can play its role in supporting the health and wellbeing of Humber and North Yorkshire residents.

The full report and a shorter summary report are available to download.

You can also download a presentation of the report’s findings here.

Good Conversations: Webinars for the VCSE workforce

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) free online course

The course is for anyone who has opportunities to chat to others about issues that affect their health and wellbeing.

For more information contact: