Reports 2020-2021
Keep up to date with the latest research findings about the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, and see what action is being taken to support communities.
Below are downloadable copies of all of our reports from May 2020, up to the present day.
VCSE Resilience Survey September 2021

Supporting People and Making Connections
Our final VCSE Resilience Survey shows that while the sector is still facing challenges, the overall picture in North Yorkshire is becoming much more positive.
Read the full ‘Supporting people and making connections’ report.
Measuring the Impact of the Voluntary and Community Sector

The structure, dynamics and impact of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector
A joint report which celebrates the vital contribution the sector makes to the economy and the health and well-being of local people has been published by: ourselves, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership (WY&H HCP), Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership, West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Yorkshire Sport Foundation.
The accompanying powerpoint presentation provides a good summary.
Download the reportThe presentation looks not just at the economic value of the sector (which is estimated at £4.2 billion) but also at the impact of volunteers and volunteering, the sector’s social value, and benefits to personal and community health and wellbeing.
VCSE Resilience Survey November 2020

Supporting People in Their Communities
Financial pressures and a drop in volunteering are the greatest areas of concern for charities, as the sector continues to hold its own despite the pandemic.
Read the full findings from the results of the Voluntary & Community Sector Resilience survey.
VCSE Resilience Survey May 2020

Build Back Better Together
The results of the pandemic impact survey shows fears for charities future with 41% of charities reporting an uncertain future beyond Oct, yet community spirit still shines.
These are just some of the findings from the results of the Voluntary & Community Sector Resilience survey.