Third Sector Trends 2022 initial report unveiled
The initial findings of the Third Sector Trends 2022 survey highlight the value, impact and energy of the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.
The first report highlights the impact that community groups and organisations have on improving personal health, social and community wellbeing, as well as financial security. It also spotlights the fact that the sector is the glue that holds society together by providing help and support to many in need but at a basic level it employs and pays tens of thousands of people and puts millions into local economies.
Further detailed reports which will break down regional statistics for North Yorkshire and the Humber will be available soon.
Download the full report here to look at headline regional on the number and types of organisations, employment, regular volunteers, value of impact etc.
View the press release issued about the survey here.
There is also a breakdown on North East England data here.